I Am Sanyam The

I specialize in frontend development using JavaScript, backend development using NodeJS

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I Specialize In

The development of a website from scratch till its deployed using advanced features of MERN Stack technologies

Frontend Development

JavaScript, TypeScript, ES7, HTML5, CSS3, libraries such as ReactJS,Hooks, state management using Redux and Redux Saga

Backend Development

JavaScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS Framework, Implementing JWT based Authentications and following MVC pattern


NoSql Databases such as MongoDB and Firebase-Firestore


Version control using GIT, Microsoft VS Code

  • Clients
  • 4
  • Certifications
  • 5+
  • Hours Worked
  • 8000+
  • Projects Completed
  • 6+

My Creative Process

Most of my projects are based off a practiced formula to get the results I am looking for


Discuss The Project

Discuss and analyze the requirements from clients / customers thoroughly and come up with a blueprint of the project timeline and structure


Backend Planning

Understand and create APIs using NodeJS and ExpressJS accordingly as well as link the backend with appropriate database and test them using Postman


Frontend Planning

Http requests to the APIs to fetch the data and present to the users in the desired and elegant way



Continuos feedback from the customers / clients and always open to make changes in the underlying structure to keep up with the changing requirements